
Nourished By Tinsel was born out of a personal journey, pure DEDICATION and PASSION for the love of “REAL FOOD”. It is a Single Resource for CUSTOMIZED Freshly prepared, Sustainable and Nutritious meals to HEAL your Body, Mind and Soul.

A Personal Journey

When I was diagnosed with an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis at the age of 25, I did not realize that my life would be changed FOREVER. It took a couple of years, until my health began to deteriorate, that I found myself in a critical condition searching for ANSWERS. Due to severe fatigue, low blood pressure, joint/muscle pain, brain fog and memory issues, I was practically unable to perform BASIC daily tasks. I was so FRUSTRATED and didn’t understand why I was experiencing these symptoms, even though I was taking the thyroid replacement hormones religiously. DETERMINED to find a SOLUTION, I researched what else I could do to help my symptoms.

Finally after seeing many specialists, an Integrated Medicine Practitioner recommended that I complete a DETOX course and get back to eating “REAL FOOD”, preferably, a grain free, dairy free diet to remove INFLAMMATION as it may have been triggering my immune system to ATTACK. At first I was hesitant; as a “foodie” I didn’t want to be robbed of eating all the things I loved so dearly and that gave me such joy. Out of sheer DESPERATION, I decided to give it a try. But if I was going to do this, I wanted to do it MY WAY. I didn’t want to settle for flavorless bland food that was just "good for me". I was determined to eat “Real Food” that was not only NUTRITIOUS, but that was full of DELICIOUS FLAVORS and excitement. For the next couple of years, I cut out ALL PROCESSED FOOD; sourced out the best LOCAL, SEASONAL ingredients, and explored different combinations, and substitutions, while pulling the knowledge from TRADITIONAL cooking as well as combining MODERN techniques.

As I began my journey of “Real Food” I started noticing the change in my ENERGY and MOOD, and I became more and more convinced that I was HEALING my body with what I was putting in. I was taking CONTROL of my HEALTH, and transforming my body from inside out. I felt EMPOWERED through this process of learning, cooking and ultimately SHARING “Real Food” with my loved ones. I have learned through this process that Hippocrates had it right all along “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


"Real Food"

“Real Food” is food that truly NOURISHES your mind, body and soul. It is food that is nutrient-dense, WHOLE and unrefined. Produce from LOCAL farmers that are never genetically modified, ORGANIC OR BETTER and sustainably farmed, animals that are humanely raised on pasture, food that is free of additives and preservatives, chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Food that is processed as little as possible in order to retain NATURAL enzymes, vitamins and minerals and is properly prepared using traditional methods to ensure the best nutrient availability (i.e. soaking, sprouting, fermenting, etc.).

Chef Tinsel Fecteau

Born in BURMA while growing up in NEW YORK, the diverse exposure of the world shaped not only my palate, but also my PASSION for experimenting with cross cultural ingredients, FLAVORS and recipes.

Cooking alongside my mother and grandmother, while absorbing the verbally passed down recipes of generations before me, inspired a deep love and respect for the POWER OF FOOD. Traditionally, in the Burmese culture, cooking is a way we show our LOVE and good intentions. It is a way we welcome our guests into our homes, a way we show GRATITUDE, a way we celebrate life and what Mother Nature has ABUNDANTLY provided us. These basic AYURVEDIC principles, which were instilled in me at a young age, are what FUELS me in creating and preparing “Nourished By Tinsel”.

what I do



Let NOURISHED create an intimate private event for you and your loved ones. Together, we will CUSTOMIZE your menu to CELEBRATE your occasion while keeping the SEASON, mood, and budget into consideration.

Private Cooking Lessons

Want to learn more about how to start YOUR OWN JOURNEY in eating “Real Food”? I can help YOU get there. From starting with sourcing the right ingredients to combining the flavors, TRANSFORM your health by learning to make NOURISHING FOOD.

Home Cooked Meals

Do you care about NUTRITION for you and your families but are too busy leading active lives?  Are you seeking out a HEALING DIET, looking to accommodate food allergies, autoimmune disease, or other health conditions? Let NOURISHED bring the HOME COOKED MEALS to you. NOURISHED provides a unique culinary service set apart from all other “one size fits all” meal delivery options.  It is CUSTOMIZED to your specific palate, schedule, health goals and diet restrictions.

Giving back


I am HONORED and GRATEFUL to have access to “Real Food” and be able to prepare it with LOVE and SHARE it with YOU. However, I feel compelled to go BEYOND and reach others that are less fortunate. In partnering with local charities and abroad, Nourished By Tinsel will DONATE 10% of ALL proceeds to those who are in need of a nourishing meal. For more information about our current partners please inquire below.


I would not be where I am today, without the HELP of YOGA. In my journey back to HEALTH, I also found myself back on my Yoga Mat. I started practicing yoga when I was in high school and have been in LOVE with it ever since. However, I did not have a regular practice, as I was always too “BUSY” and didn’t make enough time for myself.


When I made the decision to take better care of my HEALTH, I knew returning to YOGA would help me Immensely. It wasn’t only the PHYSICAL aspect that drew me to Yoga, but the MENTAL and EMOTIONAL aspects as well. It didn't take long before I enrolled myself in a Certified Teaching-Training Program to deepen my understanding and practice and to become a Yoga Instructor.

It is with great PLEASURE that now, I can Guide YOU to find the Eightfold Path of Yoga and teach you how to tap into the Relaxation, Positive Thinking, Truthfulness, Proper Diet and Healthy Living that encompass a BALANCED LifeStyle.  Contact me to find out about PRIVATE sessions, where I can tailor the yoga that is right for you.

Light, Love & Gratitude xx

Wishing you Light, Love & Gratitude xx

Contact me

To inquire, please fill out the form below.